Revised Dec. 25th, 2012
1882 to PRESENT
Laurenzana, (Potenza) Italy
Street of Seven Towers
Mary Grace's Birth house (Doorway on left)
St Mary The Assumption Church
Inside view of Church
Baptismal Fount
Where Mary Grace received the first Sacrament
Sacred Mountain of Viggiano, a 3 day walk from Laurenzana
Our Lady of Mt. Viggiano
MSGR. Rocco Pellettieri (Shrine of Mt. Viggiano)
S.S. Palatia (Circa 1904)
Mary Grace & daughter Nancy (circa 1910)
Mary Grace sponsor at Confirmation (circa 1918)
In the garden (circa 1925)
Angela Rapa Roberts (Roberto), 1877-1954
Received a Grace for her 2 year old daughter "Ida" in 1917
through the prayers and intercession of Mary Grace,
and she spread the Name and Holy Works of Mary Grace Bellotti to the people of Ohio
Mrs. Robert Petrulla, Mrs. Nancy Marano, Mary Grace Bellotti
(Mary Grace's daughter)
Home where Mary Grace passed away in 1927
(upper left window was her room)
Grave stone at Calvary Cemetary
Prayer Pilgrimage at grave
St. Callistus Chapel at Calvary Cemetery
Nancy Marano
(Pictured to the left of center)
Pilgrimage to St. Anthony shrine in Long Island NY.
St. Anthony Shrine Church
St. Michael's Monastery
Monastery Place, Union City, N.J.
Pilgrimmage to Blessed Bishop Neumann Center
From left to right:
The Holy Father Pope Paul VI, Fr. Nicholas Ferrante CSSR, The Roman Postulator of the Redemptorists,
Fr. Francis X. Murphy CSSR, and Fr. Francis Litz CSSR, The American Postulator of the cause
October 13th, 1963, The Beatification of Blessed John Neumann.
From left to Right:
Angelus J. Christie, Rev. Salvatore Profeta, Nancy Marano, Rev. Francis J. Litz C.SS.R, Geraldine Passariello
Sister Felix & Sister Thomas (center)
Sisters of St. Francis
St. Anthony of Padua Church
615 8th Street, Union City, New Jersey.
41st International Eucharistic Congress Exhibit
Fr. Salvatore Profeta greeting His Holiness, Pope John Paul II,
Feast of the Sacred Heart, Rome, June 10, 1988
St. Gerard Shrine in Memoriam Mary Grace Bellotti,
St. Mary's Church, Staten Island, N.Y.
Mass at St. Mary's Church, Left to right: Rev. M.A. Fuino, Rev. S. Profeta
Oil Painting of St.Gerard in Memoriam Mary Grace Bellotti,
Presented to St. Gerard's Church on the Island of Anguilla
St. Gerard Shrine in Memoriam Mary Grace Bellotti,
St Clement Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
5 ft. statue of St.Gerard Maiella carved from a trunk of a tree by a blind man in the early part of the 1920's
who received a grace through Mary Grace's prayers petitioning St. Gerard on his behalf.
The statue was painted by Father Peter Della Giustina.
Relic of St. Gerard
Church of St. Ann
Hoboken, New Jersey
The actual statue of St. Gerard at St. Ann's that Mary Grace
followed in procession on October 16, 1913
Stained Glass window of St. Gerard at St. Ann's Church
May 1st, 2011 Divine Mercy Sunday, also the beatification of Pope John Paul II
St. Clements Church
Left to Right
Julia Gigante, Father Robes Charles (Pastor), Father Salvatore Profeta, St. Clements Church.
Mr. Edward Esposito with Father Robes Charles, Pastor of St. Clements Church. (Oct. 28, 2012)
In the early 1920’s
Edward made regular visits to the Chapel House of St. Gerard with his Mother, and he knew Mary Grace,
he was about 6 years old when Mary Grace passed away in 1927. He is known as a “Living Miracle” because of cures
he received through her intercession to God. He is a true testament to her holy intercession.
Brief on the Holy life of Mary Grace Bellotti sent to His Grace, The Most Reverend John Myers, Archbishop of Newark, on November 10, 2011
His Grace, The Most Reverend John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark and Michael Gerard Gigante , President
October 23, 2013 Newark New Jersey
Photo taken by Monsignor Michael A. Andreano
The Chapel House of St. Gerard
Union City NJ
Completed on the Feast of the Assumption Aug 15, 1922
Where Father Peter Della Guistina said mass and Blessed prayer cards
and medals for Mary Grace to distribute
The first visiting day for the people was on or close to the
feast day of St. Gerard,
Oct 16th, 1922.
Left: Mother of Sorrows / Right: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Saint Philomena
Stained Glass Windows
Devotee, John A. Gigante,(circa 1959) standing next to crutches
and braces that people who received graces through the intercession of Mary Grace
left there as a testament to their cure.
The Catholic University of Makeni
Sierra Leone, West Africa.
View this location courtesy of Google Earth
Fatima Institute Library
May 2010
Final stages of construction
Professor Patrick Hayes, The delivery of over 22,000 books.
Book Plate
Placement of the Book Plates
Father Joseph Turay (Director), organizing the library
Stocking the shelves